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Suffering - An Opportunity to Worship God More Deeply & Intimately

- A Christian Paradigm Shift on Suffering – For the Mature In God -


ONLY IN THIS LIFE can we give a real sacrifice of worship and praise... and the more difficult or complex the trial, the sweeter the offering to God can be -- IF -- you will worship the LORD in the midst of great suffering, being fully surrendered in obedience to Him. When the suffering is the greatest, especially in something like the unexpected death of an adult child (our Charity Hope) with so many shattered dreams, OR something like betrayal -- at the deepest levels, or financial distress like bankruptcy, or in the greatest of physical sufferings---> THIS IS WHEN you can truly bring a SPECIAL beautiful gift of worship to the LORD! Praising God in the easy times is a good, but a small offering, not to be compared to the offering of praising and worshipping HIM at His feet in great suffering and brokenness, this is a precious gift. Knowing that God is good, and love and worshipping HIM in the midst of great adversity. This type of extravagant worship can ONLY be given in this life during the greatest time of suffering. WORSHIP THE LORD ALWAYS IN EVERYTHING and "giving thanks, always in everything, in all circumstances, for this is the will of God concerning you in Christ Jesus!" (1 Thess. 5:18)

“It is doubtful whether God can bless a man, and greatly use him until He has hurt him deeply.” ― A.W. Tozer